

ABC Dress-up

The heat continues...but so does the fun! Marimeta has been experiencing some absolutely amazing weather. The campers are constantly in the water...and what better way to spend your summer! The evenings have been wonderful for team comp and of course...CAPTURE THE FLAG! The evening of the 28th, campers “dressed up” each other and their counselors in a crazy game called “ABC Dress Up”. In many different rotations, each cabin was given a letter and then they had to dress up a member of the cabin as something that starts with that letter. They can only use things from their cabin that also starts with the same letter. Example: The letter T, they dressed up someone as a Turtle , with Tennis shoes, Tie shoes, Tape (and other things that started with the letter “T”. Some of the costumes were hilarious! Everyone participated and Everyone had a great time.

Tonight we are hosting camp Menominee for an all camp social with entertainment provided by “Elite Force”.
Cabin Pictures will be taken and put online next week! When Mobile Photo comes to Camp Marimeta!